Rabu, 13 Juni 2018


Volkswagen - Creating a DICOM for multi-dimensional teaching revolutionary

Multidimensional education is one of the most difficult tasks in the field of medical education, both at bachelor's level and postgraduate education. And as soon as the amount of information increases in medical science, the demand for education is growing. Voxelx's mission is to make revolutionary changes in multidimensional learning by creating an online DCOM platform for imitation of medical training. The VoxLex team is one of the few that has been working since 2013, especially in the field of radiology, to introduce DICOM-IMAGE into medical e-learning. Our beta version of the DICOM platform was published on the website www.voxelx.com at the annual meeting in Chicago, USA, at RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) in December 2016.
The content of the community forum, so all participants can make them pre-check knowledge and affairs private or publicly available. And accordingly, I will make this forum an incentive to monetize us online content on endowed Blokchen and encourage the radiologist as publishers and Vadtaon in the construction of public platforms and extension. The ERC 20 Atheriam token, we were able to prepare award-winning algorithms that pay a radiologist for each small presentation and update content and platform images. Vokselaks will launch a chip called GRA and it will be used mainly for building materials of Diaisiom-platform.
DICOM (medicine and medicaments in the field of communication) from many manufacturers for the collection and transmission of medical images that allow the integration of medical imaging devices such as scanners, servers, workstations, printers, network equipment and image archiving and transmission systems (PAC). It is standard for It is widely accepted by hospitals and is included in small applications, such as doctors and doctors' offices.
Interactive Decomplection
Our radiological platform DICOM is designed to imitate learning. He is completely conversational and educated. One of its main features is the ability to comment and link structures and pathology in DICOM images directly to all potential knowledge resources on the Internet. Implementing a block block in this forum A user can make his files for future use or lectures for learning, and many automatic recognition functions help him, such as identifying the same creative structure throughout the series and applying the proper knowledge. Linking resources with This tool is implemented other functions, such as users, lecture presentation mode, tablet and mobile device modes, multi-touch capabilities, online discussions, instant messaging systems, social network.
VoxClex tool
The Voxelx platform is equipped with a variety of tools that allow medical students and radiologists to easily communicate with DICOM images. Among these tools are innovative drawing tools that allow you to link and link structures and diseases with images with all recognized knowledge resources on the Internet.
Wallet Voxcelax
The wallet will be created and linked to the registered VoxLex user. Unlike the traditional purse with cryptographic stability in the market, the wuxelax wallet will be linked to the ranking system on the platform, the more you contribute to the platform, the more you get, the better you evaluate.
The Voxelx Community
The Voxelx community is our real capital. We can share this community in accordance with the interests of students, publishers and legal entities. They can interact with each other in public or in private.
Sell ​​a gray token
The total supply of Voxelx Gray Tokens, which was ever produced, is 10,000,000,000 (10 billion). The initial amount of tokens is large enough to determine the appropriate price for microscopy on the stage. All gray tokens will be produced in a block of seeds and distributed as follows:
Selling tokens
45% of the gray tokens will be sold in the sale of a gray marker. Token sales will consist of personal rounds before the ICO after a public offering for strategic and initial investors. Moments sold during personal and before IKO rounds will be allowed, but some blocking restrictions will be subject to them.
Foundation Voxelx Foundation will organize 25% of gray chips. These tokens will be used to fund and promote the Wocksex community to create platform content using the Greaks coin algorithm. Initial investor and bonus 
For major purchases 10% of Gray Turks will be organized by initial investors and bonuses. Most of these tokens will be subject to lock restrictions and will be released over time. The team and founder of Voxelx 
20% of the GRE token will be supported by Voxclix and reserved for founders, team members. 
20% of these tokens will be available after the initial offer, after which every 6 months will be unlocked 20%.
Proposed use of income
Road map
2013: the birth of the Voxelx idea 
2014-2015: early platform development 
December 2016: the beta version launches the VoxLex platform in RSNA, Chicago 
2017 Q1-Q2:> 100 publications on the 
2017 forum Q3-Q4: launch of the 
2018 Q1 community : integration of the Woxelx platform with BlockChane 
2018 Question 2: Private and public sale Gray Token 
2018 Q3: Hire more gods to promote the development of Voxelx 
2018 Q4: Showcase at RSNA, Chicago + Wallet Launch 
201 9Q1: Beta + official launch Official launch of VoxlexX 
201 9 Question 2: Begin development of the mobile version of the VoxLex 
201 platform 9 Q3-Q4:> Publication on the Voxelx 2000 platform.

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